- This group has a heart for the homeless
- You want to bring something that is self-sustainable for the homeless
- You want to grow closer to one another and enjoy it regardless if the "missioned" join or not.
- Richard gardens and probably would like selling his hot sauce
- There are disabled people who are homeless who may not be physically able to do certain things
- I hear Nate gardens. Kim gardens. Many Redbudders garden. Gardening is fun. We can sit around and talk after gardening.
- We have space in our backyards. We have homes to invite people to.
- Ian says that Austin has a gardening thing for the homeless. We can talk to these guys.
- Gardening is something where we can all learn spiritual lessons as well as lessons about nature and creation.
- If it totally flops, we'll have us some gardens
- Gardening can teach us to work and rest
- Soundgarden
I hope this idea doesn't cause any trouble. Good night :) Man, I'm sleepy. It's been a l-o-n-g month!
Call it SoulGardens