Thursday, May 30, 2013

MC Gardening

Okay, how about this... and I'm just throwing it out:
  1. This group has a heart for the homeless
  2. You want to bring something that is self-sustainable for the homeless
  3. You want to grow closer to one another and enjoy it regardless if the "missioned" join or not.
  4. Richard gardens and probably would like selling his hot sauce
  5. There are disabled people who are homeless who may not be physically able to do certain things
  6. I hear Nate gardens.  Kim gardens.  Many Redbudders garden. Gardening is fun.  We can sit around and talk after gardening.
  7. We have space in our backyards.  We have homes to invite people to.
  8. Ian says that Austin has a gardening thing for the homeless.  We can talk to these guys.
  9. Gardening is something where we can all learn spiritual lessons as well as lessons about nature and creation.
  10. If it totally flops, we'll have us some gardens
  11. Gardening can teach us to work and rest 
  12. Soundgarden
So how about creating a farmer's market.  Some homeless can help with growing.  Some can help selling.  We might be able to partner with who knows who.

I hope this idea doesn't cause any trouble.  Good night :)  Man, I'm sleepy.  It's been a l-o-n-g month!

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