Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Morning Ted Talk (Ordinary Time - Day 14)

Matthew 18:1-14


  1. Kaley hadn't told me Happy Father's Day all day yesterday. I told my neighbor that and he said, "You jack ass, look, it's on facebook." He handed me his iphone and there was a sweet poem about me.

    I woke up this morning and thought, before watching this TED talk, "Why would she write to me on FB since I don't do FB?" The simple answer is that she wasn't writing to me! Then he showed me what his daughter wrote on FB. In a nutshell, she wrote how much better he was as a father than her birth dad. If I was cynical, I'd say that was a note to her birth dad about what a crummy dad he was.

    In both cases, the notes were global. In my case, I was a jackass for not reading it - as I SHOULD HAVE.

    That is retarded.

  2. As a member of the pre-internet, pre-texting generation, I love letters! My friends and I used to write each other long letters in school and fold them up in a certain tucked-in-corner way. Keith and I wrote dozens of letters back and forth when he was in Russia and those letters had a lot to do with our decision to get married. I get so excited when I receive letters from our sponsored kids. What a cool Ted Talk. Maybe I will write a love letter to a stranger sometime...

