Friday, December 13, 2013

Help Rebuild

Haggai 1:1-13

The Church is in need of people to rebuild it. It's been hijacked by impostors, and needs anyone who is willing, to help restore it to the way it was intended to be - the light of the world.

Who's eligible:
Anyone who is willing to give thanklessly.
Anyone who is willing to rebuild something that someone else will take credit for. 
Anyone who is willing to rebuild while listening to someone lecture them about how they need to change their life.
Anyone who is willing to rebuild even though they aren't considered chosen. 
Anyone who is willing to pour their heart and soul into something that will be hijacked by someone else. 
Anyone who is willing to love their enemies, even when they call you the real enemy. 
Anyone who is willing to look past name calling and stereotypes in order to take something broken and make it into something beautiful.

If you think you have what it takes, drive over to the church nearest you on Sunday with the question, "What can I do to help restore this place?"

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