Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lent Mindset

If there is one thing I have learned from my Lent experiences, is that you have to go into it with the right mindset. I have included a few things that I would hope you would incorporate into how you view Lent:

1. It's not all about you. It's about allowing God to work through you.
2. You don't have to like it. 
3. You will do it (daily) whether you want to or not or if it's convenient.
4. Set goals. Set them in areas of your spiritual walk, service to others, physical fitness accountability, and friends/family.
5. Your goals should be written down but don't need to be.
6. Set goals you can accomplish easily.
7. Most importantly, set goals that will stretch you. Do things you know are correct, but they "aren't you", "not your passion", piss you off, make you late for things, or, my favorite, something that scares the crap out of you.
8. Share your goals with people, everyone. They're your accountability partners. Don't look for an enabler to coddle you and say it's ok to stay the way you are. If you're perfect, then I guess it's ok.
9. Expect to grow. Whether it takes the 40 days of Lent or longer, expect it.
10. Don't stop once Lent is over. Look around you and set a benchmark to grow again from his point. Don't go backwards.
11. I love this one. Never stop challenging those things you believe. Stand it up next to what Jesus taught his disciples. Look for your reasoning for why you believe certain things. Play devil's advocate and force yourself to see things from a point of view you may never have considered. If you believe the same thing when you're done, great. If you don't, great.
12. You don't always have to believe something to learn from it.
13. Commit yourself to be willing to put yourself last. 
14. Talk about your struggles with your Journey through Lent with folks. The words "me too" can be just what you need to hear.
15. It's only 40 days.
16. Don't worry about looking at yourself daily to see how much you've changed. You can do that at the end of the 40 days. Instead, think about the lives you have impacted and lives that will change through the power that Christ instills in you through your sacrifice of yourself for His kingdom.
17. Be honest with yourself.
18. This may somewhat contradict #4, #5, and #6, you may not have a goal. Don't set one. Instead, throw yourself a Lent tradition of "giving something up" and see if God opens your eyes up that way. You can always add goals as you go.
19. Give up something you cling to that is hindering your walk with Christ.
20. Add something to your to daily walk with Christ that will allow you to walk a little closer to Him.

I probably have more, but that's a good start.

Hating Lent,


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