Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fantasy (Ordinary Time - Day 120)

2 Kings 18:9-25

     I have to believe that listening to the voice of God is actually a pretty simple endeavor. The scriptures refer to it as still and small, as well as loud and thunderous. So, as I sit here in the quiet, listening and writing, I need to talk about my life of make believe. It so happens that a mind of fantasy and an abhorrence to listen to the call of my heart are directly related.

    Religious media has turned the voice of God into a deep, booming voice that one must happen upon, search for, or conjure up as if the seeker is traveling down the yellow brick road looking for Oz. But, I question that. The God of the scriptures is not hidden, archaic, or lost, where only the pious professional has the key to unlock the door. No, the voice of the God of scripture is - I believe - the same voice that wells up deep within me as I prepare for bed and as I wake in the morning. It's the same voice that whispers when I'm about to talk down to my coworkers. This voice is more present and straightforward as the religious media would lead us to believe. This voice is my hope for experiencing reality, and not this fantasy world I have helped construct along with my earthly companions.

    When I choose to put the voice aside, as I've grown accustomed to lately, I'm choosing to live in a world of make believe. This world is full of picture-perfect women, from the ages of 18 to 45. All of my problems can be solved in this world, and all it takes is a computer-induced orgasm. All the while, as I sit and watch, and scour the pages of the Internet looking for the solution, the voice of reality gets quieter and quieter. The voice of fantasy, that obnoxious, pitiful voice that begs me to grab anything that can possibly make me feel good in that moment drowns out its counterpart.

    All of my problems are solved. There's no need to worry. I can even take the good feelings that I get in that moment and twist them around, justify them just enough to give a false sense of gratitude to the voice that was once so prevalent. But, the justification is futile. It only lasts about as long as the pleasure did. The morning must come, and the morning time is when I wake up reliving the horrors of yesterday - if there were any. And it's back to the drawing board. It's back to trying again to listen and stay connected to the voice that has depth and weight and permanent relief.

     When I refuse to listen to the voice of God, I'm refusing to live in reality. And, I have the power to choose which voice to listen to, at least for now. As it was with alcohol, there will come a time that I'll lose the power of choice should I continue to seek fantasy over reality. I can see it on the horizon.

    The voice of God, simply put, is that voice inside of us that we know is there. It's the voice of goodness, the voice that saves us from hurting ourselves and others, and pushes us to seek after the welfare of others, to help those in need. This voice not only calls me away from the perils of pornography, but gives loud warnings when I'm about to treat another person as if they're a lower brand of human than I.
      I can even listen to the voice of fantasy while I spew out pious platitudes. My words can sound right and good, but the true voice may have been snuffed out way before this conversation ever happened. I can speak enthusiastic words of reality while my heart and mind chase "better" versions of fantasy in public or behind closed doors. I, as the hearer, am the only one who knows where I stand. You, as the reader, are the only one who knows where you stand. What is the result from chasing after the voice of fantasy? Essentially, captivity. The result of investing everything into hearing and living the voice of God is freedom.

    Today's Action: Pay attention to the voice of goodness, the one that pushes me to create harmony and to walk on the road of freedom. Object the voice that tells me to chase after power, illusion, perfection, and pride.

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