Friday, March 8, 2013

Transient (Day 24 of Lent)

As an American, I connect the idea of slavery with movies like Django Unchained and Lincoln.  I think of the 27 million women and children around the world who are stuck as pawns in the heartless scheme of sex trafficking.  I think of one person oppressing another, or one person oppressing many, like Kony or Hitler.  It's easy to stop there when I think of slavery.  

In John chapter eight, Jesus is talking to some Jews and they don't understand what he means by "the truth will set you free."  The Jews, just like me, were never slaves to anyone.  Judaism came into existence after the Israelites were freed from the oppressive grip of Egypt.  From the time of Egyptian oppression on though, the Israelites created their own form of slavery and oppression.  

Jesus responds to their defense with, "I tell you that anyone who chooses a life of sin chooses a dead-end life, and they, in fact are slaves.  Slaves are transient, and cannot come and go at will.  You say your father was Abraham, but you are secretly plotting to kill me.  If you knew God you would love me because I, just like Abraham, am telling you the truth that God has given me."  

A transient is someone who travels in and out of existence.  They're here one day, and gone another.  They're "alive" one moment and "dead" in the next.  What does slavery really mean if the oppressor is not a person?  

When I get into bed at night, I like to get on the computer and catch up on the day's news, check Facebook, check my emails, and then get onto a website I love.  This website is a free exchange of information, and anyone can post something as long as it follows certain rules.  While there is a ton of interesting information and stories, there is a ton of pornography.  Depending on how "prayed up I am," I am one click away from looking at pictures that fill my mind with fantasy.  In one instant, I can erase everything that is real and true, and delve into an existence that is completely based on sexual pleasure.  It's an existence that invites me into chasing after things that only exist in my mind. There have been times when I've jumped into this existence for hours, scrolling through picture after picture, trying to squeeze out every bit of emotional fantasy that I can possibly attain.  I usually lock the door of my house too, and shut myself in my room.  I have this fear that someone may walk in at any moment if my door's not locked and catch me.  When I choose to live in this existence, I am not free to come and go at will.  I am enslaved.  I am heading down a dead-end street that's lined with beautiful blossoming trees.  I am convinced that I'm going to a place of beauty, but I'm actually being traded off and sold and purchased by the voice of a liar.  

Most days, I enjoy mental, physical, and spiritual freedom.  I have the ability to make decisions and to go and do whatever I want to.  I've been blessed with the ability to pursue my deepest desires, and to stay true to my heart's passions.  I sense a connection with God that drives me.  There's hardly a moment that goes by that I don't believe in God's presence.  In this existence, I'm free.  I'm free to love and to be loved.  When I choose to live in the existence of freedom, I tend to think more about others.  I'm awake to the needs around me.  I notice people.  I listen better.  

Slavery, in the sense that Jesus is talking about, means jumping in and out of two opposing existences:  freedom and bondage.  On the days that I don't give a second thought to needing help from a power greater than myself, I choose bondage.  On the days that I realize that I need help from God, I choose freedom.  "Living a life of sin" does not mean that someone is born with this innate desire to kill people or steal, nor does it mean that freedom is nonexistent.  On the contrary, living a life of freedom does not mean that there are some people who are perfect while the rest of us have to suffer at the hands of our own demons.  Bondage and freedom are constantly bumping up against each other in the day to day, moment to moment, journey of life.  We choose life in one moment, and death in the next - heaven one minute and hell the next.

While most of us do not know what it's like to be oppressed by someone, we know what it's like to be oppressed by something.  I would venture to say that our very existence is threaded through with the constant tension between slavery and freedom.  So what do we do?

There is hope.  The beautiful part about stories of slavery is rescue.  With rescue comes grace unlimited.  If you've ever heard any stories of girls who are rescued from sex trafficking, it is a known fact that a lot of these girls find the temptation to go back to the brothel they came from very hard to resist.  They have been implanted with this idea that their worth is found in how they please men with sex.  When they are removed from that existence, they don't know how to function or live on their own.  Knowing this, organizations that are committed to combating sex trafficking set up safe houses for the rescued women.  In these safe places, the women are being restored.  They are being shown where there worth is truly found.  The voice of the liar is constantly whispering, "You need to go back, you need to go back.  How will you live without it?"  And some do go back.  But, they've found rescue and they know  where to go to find it again.  

As I journey through my own existence in the struggle between slavery and freedom, I believe that rescue has come.  Jesus claims that he is the way, the truth, and the life.  He makes sense to slaves like me.  Although I fall down over and over again, I believe deep in the core of my being that there is freedom to be grasped.  There will never be enough of it.  Although I choose slavery some days and freedom others, I believe rescue has come, is coming, and will always come.  Without God, my slavery is a dead end road.  I am doomed to an existence that tells me there is no hope.  I am left to beating myself up every time I give in to my desires to live in fantasy.  Since I am failing God, I have to become my own God, but I in fact become my own oppressor.  I become my judge and my teacher, and I set standards for myself that appear feasible but are nowhere within reach.  

Grace gives me the ability to acknowledge that I'm a fuck up, and to realize that my Rescue is always at arm's length.  It enables me to focus on attaining more freedom and experiencing more life.  It enables me to give myself grace in the moments that I fail my lofty standards, and believe in a God who became a slave unto death in order that I may receive life to the fullest.  

Today's action:  Today we will find a place to be alone for a few minutes.  We will stand tall, feet slightly apart, hands held open, and chest high.  We will say a prayer of thanks for rescue from oppression.  Then we will listen.  


  1. I had an experience while working with street kids in Russia. She was close to us. John had rented an apartment. She was one of the kids he housed. I remember John laughing while the girl picked lice from his head. He'd say, "Got another one! Okay my turn."

    One day the girl, I think her name was Tatyana, disappeared. It turned out that the mafia had abducted her for the sex trade. The guy who I was working with eventually had to flee to Czechoslovakia because he was getting death threats for helping the kids - for interfering with business. That was Moscow.

    The mafia in St. Petersburg had a higher set of morals. The "tax" they charged per business was lower for the orphanage there.

    Thinking about it now, the cruelty and harsh reality, the way it was and is, just about takes my breath away - especially now that I have children of my own.

    It was just so weird, Tatyana was with us one day and gone the next. I just remembered one day going to the train station where people lived in chairs and John telling me we had to go. A few guys nicely dressed were perusing the place.

    At that time I really had no idea what was going on. I think that Tasha's disappearance didn't even register because the thought of that was beyond what I could think could happen. I wouldn't even call it surreal. I had no mental hooks to hang such evil on. Actually, still, even after firsthand experience, it's not that I don't believe it happens, it just doesn't register.

    One thing I wonder is, if the girls do go back, I wonder if it is because of the closeness of friends and the shelter they get - not so much about feeling self worth by the trade itself. If so, and really in any case, it makes sense to create a new place for those rescued where they can form bonds and find shelter once again.


    Garage sale went well. Actually enjoyed it.

    1. I am loving your posts!! I can't believe that you experienced firsthand the sex trafficking in Russia. That's horrible. The closest I've ever come is taking a group of girls to a local brothel on Telephone Road. I just sat in the car taking notes, and it was our first outing. When the girls got back in the car, they were speechless. They didn't get past the inside door (which is usually the case), but from the back of the building they actually heard a voice say, "Can you help me get out of here?" That really fueled us to keep trying to get the brothels in the Houston area to figure out how to even make a dent.

      We should have coffee some time. I don't know if you're interested or not, but the younger guy Durbin (from group) and I meet on Fridays at 5:00 at the Barnes and Noble Starbucks. I think you would bring a ton to our conversations. I'm in Colorado til' the 16th and we're planning on meeting on Wednesday to make up for this Friday, and then meeting on Friday again.

    2. Glad you are enjoying the posts. I think I may do better writing for a while rather than meeting. I was just on and off and on Telephone Road and was about to post about it. I'll just add it as a comment like I did the Sabbath one.

  2. My post of the day.


    I'm wearing two wrist bands. One is two weeks old and is from Alyson Chains and Toology. Yesterday, since Myles had to pick Jacob up at midnight, Myles wanted to go out. Ozzie and Metallica were playing. They aren't really Ozzy or Metallica. They do a full concert and as best they can become the band they cover.

    I didn't really want to go see Ozzy last night. A big reason we were going was because Myles was afraid he'd crash on the couch and couldn't stand the thought of dragging himself to pick Jacob up at midnight. He wanted to stay occupied. Over the past month, Myles had turned me down on Toology and David Grissom. Saying "no" was easy. After a game of pool across the street, Myles said, "Well, I'll see you guys." I said, "You are going?" He said, "Yes." I turned to Richard and winced as if to say, "Can I?" Richard said, "GO."

    On the way to the concert I said, "Look, one night Richard keeps me up, next night Larry's over, now -you-. And I can guarantee you that Mark is going to be ramping it up tomorrow. So while you guys get the nights off, I'm on all the time. You guys are gonna wear me out."

    When it's on it's on and it turned out great. I'd almost say "it was an experience". The show was one of the first shows in a long time where the crowd got into it - where the band began to feed off the crowd. The tension of not being Ozzie dropped. Things loosened - Ozzy was Ozzy. Between ovations, I hollered, "War Pigs!" Ozzie smiled and said, "We're going to do a little Black Sabbath." With that, the opening riff for "War Pigs" belted from the stage.

    For a fleeting moment during the whole ruckus, a quiet calm came over me. I don't know what caused it. It could have been when I knew that not only was the band past the point of working up the crowd but Myles was Smyles. It could have been the woman who hollered in my ear, "You rock!" Or maybe it was the guy that patted my back. Maybe it was when Jacob called and said he had a ride home and we could stay as long as we wanted. Maybe it was retro dude with the Black Sabbath t-shirt under his tasseled leather jacket. Maybe it was the conversation with the girl with BIG glasses.

    So now things are cranked up at Marks. Larry and I are going to build tomato cages when he gets back with the supplies. I don't know what's going to happen but I gotta go see Mark. It'd be a crime not to.

    I feel like I'm on tour.

  3. I got off track and couldn't post back, but here's where I left off. I'll catch up tomorrow.

    Orange And Blue

    When I showed up at Mark's I found he had disassembled my lawn mower and had fixed the issue. The issue is that I had left the mower outside again. This had caused some corrosion. After the last overhaul I had kept the mower in the garage but had "temporarily" set it outside to make room for something or other. "Temporary" turned to lots of days where the thing got rained on. When I was growing up my dad used to slide the mower under our trailer house. I can't do that on my house because I don't live in a trailer anymore. This is an inside joke between Mark and I.

    Larry did get the materials for tomato cages. Decided not to make the cages today. Larry is on spring break. There was no sense in getting all crazy about working on the tomato cages. The roll of pig fence made for a chair. I'm still waiting on the honorary first taste of the fig wine. I think Larry thinks it may actually kill me. Each day I don't drink this stuff is an extra day of life for me. Maybe I should tell Larry that I'm having a really bad day and thinking of ending it all. I could say that I've always thought of going out like a rock star drinking fig wine. My grandma had a fig tree and made "preserves". I think they always argued over the difference between "jam", "jelly" and "preserves". I think "preserves" are chunky. I don't care what google thinks about it. I'd give my right arm to hear what she thought about it.

    Somehow, someway I got a burst of energy. I wanted to hear some live Blues music. I found that "Little Joe Washington" was playing at the Continental Club. I -ran-, blazing past Mark like The Flash, to tell Larry that I was going. I ran back and asked Kim to do all the clickety clicking to get the location and time. Turns out that Little Joe was not playing. I went searching again.

    I found that there was the Jack Kerouac Fest 2013: Go!Go!Go! at this strange place called "The Orange Show". There was supposed to be Jazz alongside "poetry reading". For the record, I feel like I have to point out that somebody reading poetry to a group of people makes me uncomfortable. I've only experienced it once and had not a clue what the guy was saying. But this was going to be outside and I can handle people better if it's outside, besides - there was going to be music and maybe a lot of weirdos.

    Kim's directions said "exit 33B". That turned out to be somewhere in Dallas, TX I'm guessing. I circled back and ended up on and off and on and off Telephone road. I wished for a moment that I had Siri to direct me off Telephone road.

    ..... later .....

    I never got to finish this post. A few interruptions - Mamaw's birthday party, Pitbull etc. I was building up to this poet crumpling up a poem into a ball and throwing it at me. I caught it to ooos and ahhhs... but I think I lost the post and should just stop...

    Oh! The big part... the Jazz group at the Orange Show played a Blues song... thus the title - "Orange and Blue" like the slide at the 5 O'clock meeting on Sunday... It all tied together and made sense.

    .... still ....

    No fig wine.
