Sunday, January 19, 2014

Out of Gas

As I was sitting on the shore of the Trinity River last night, line in the water waiting for something to bite, a peace came over me that I hadn't felt in awhile.

My mind wasn't racing. My heart was content.

The sky was filled with stars, and I could actually hear the sounds of nature.

It was so good to have a quiet soul and a mind that wasn't constantly telling me what I needed to do next.

I was enjoying the moment, without having to scheme my next to-do.

I'm trying to find a rhythm in life right now. It seems like every day for the past year I've been racing from one thing to another, trying to get stuff done, and wearing myself to the point of exhaustion.

Being busy is a mindset. I don't believe busy-ness has as much to do with what I'm doing as what I'm thinking.

I've had experiences where I'm runnin' and gunnin' all the time, but my mind is at ease and my heart is at peace. And then I've had experiences where I create the time to rest, but my mind won't turn off.

Every day of the week has blended together into one massive to-do list, and before I know it I'm back at work on Monday, wondering where all the time went, feeling extremely unprepared for another week.

So, today I'm gonna do what I've gotten away from - doing nothing.

I talk about it all the time, as if I'm trying to make myself sound like a really good mystic, but the reality is that I haven't done one thing in a long time to remove myself from the technological pleasures I've been afforded, and done something like plant myself on the beach.

I've hit a wall. My well is empty. I need God to fill me up again, and there's no better context for that than on the beach, with a book and an open mind.

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