Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wanted to Share

Ok, so twice this week I have read some really amazing posts by others. and really wanted to share them with you guys. One in a newsletter and one on a blog. I was going to forward it to you guys in an email but I was afraid Jody would scold me again! So, I am going to post the links here. I hope you guys find them as interesting as I did.

This one shares one woman's lesson learned through Lent. She shares an experience as a mother but I think we can all relate to her inner struggle of dying to her self.

And this one over here is something my sister sent out today in honor of St. Patrick's Day. You all have probably heard me talking about them moving to Ireland so of course today is special to her. I just enjoyed the reminder of those who have gone before us and presevered to do what we strive to do today.

So, hope this was appropriate to share in the venue. If not- oh well....Love you guys and look forward to gathering with you tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts Amy! I really liked the quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I'll have to read it again on Thursday when I get cranky because I'm so hungry.
