Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Romans 15:27-28 - Trading Goods

This is "The Voice" version:
I must tell you that they were thrilled to be able to help.  They realize that they are indebted to the believers in Jerusalem.  If the nations share in the Jews' spiritual goods, then it's only right that they minister back to them in material goods.  When this work is complete and the funds we've collected are delivered, I will make my way to Spain through your grand city of Rome and enjoy some of your hospitality.
It struck me as odd.  I didn't know one could trade spiritual goods with material goods.  I thought they weren't interchangeable - like spiritual goods would be free, priceless.  Paul got a road trip out of it... and the negative side of me says he mooched off of the people in Rome once he got there since he was delivering his "spiritual wares".

I suppose that can't be correct.  How would we pay our pastors?  It's worth it to me, I guess.  But I'm not buying spiritual goods, am I?  I've never thought of it as a transaction.

Shoot.  I'm sleepy.  I'll leave the half thought there.

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