Friday, February 14, 2014

Secret Service

I heard a guy say a few nights ago that an old man told him, "If you want to practice humility, then try doing something good without getting caught."

It's easy to respond to people who make their requests known, but it's another thing to randomly do something for someone else without recognition.

I'm always blown away by people who actually spend time thinking about how they can bless other people. They think of ways they can reach out, or write a letter, or send a card, without any strings attached. They just want to bless other people for no reason.

To me, it seems like a lot of work.

But, I look back at all the ways people have blessed me randomly - the kind notes, the meals, the prayers, the gifts - and it creates an anxiety inside of my heart to think of giving back.

Give to people without waiting for them to ask? What?

According to my love languages, gift giving is down there with physical touch. It's just not on my radar.

Almost a year ago, there were some strangers (to me) who volunteered to do some work on my car. They didn't know me and I didn't know them. As I stood there, watching as they poked their heads under the hood of my car, I couldn't believe that someone would actually want to take hours out of their day to help someone they didn't even know. They even went to the lengths of washing the car and making the tires shiny. In a way, it felt like they were washing my feet.

And these were average, beer drinking, hard-working, blue-collar men - worldly indeed.

I'm pretty generous when it comes to responding to someone's requests, but I can't even remember the last time I blessed somebody just for the sake of blessing somebody - especially without getting caught.

So, today I'm gonna try to do something good for somebody, and stay anonymous. Bless for the sake of blessing.

Today's Action: Be of secret service to someone. Do something for someone and expect nothing in return.

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