Sunday, August 25, 2013

Clear Mind

I don't want to spend another year trying to find "balance" between substance abuse and substance non-abuse.  I want to stop.  My decisions, location, commitments, much of the time, if not all the time, revolve around this.

Last night, my thinking had become like a mad man.  I had created an altered set of characters from the people I was hanging out with.  It was fun up to a point, but got weird.  I am fairly certain, because it has happened before, that if I do not stop, I will believe this clown circus in my head, follow the "story" and lash out in some abusive manner.  It's only a matter of time.

I need to be off substances.  Somehow, the substance is the eye opener and eye closer.  It is a recursive rabbit hole.  There is a terminal point which spins. I don't want to want to keep coming back there.  It tells me not to.  The best message I can almost bring back from that hole is "stop coming here".  I go back anyway like a man who has forgotten only to forget again.  Then back.  Then away.  Then back.

I want to be sober.  I want to be clear minded.

1 comment:

  1. Try abstinence from all mind-altering substances for a week. No alcohol, no pills (besides the prescribed amount your doctor instructs), no green leaf. Complete, honest, abstinence. If you can do this, then it's probably a matter of willpower, prayer, and discipline.

    If you can't do this, we'll talk.
