Sunday, July 14, 2013


Imagine a front yard.
In that yard are chairs and maybe a fire, a group of people sitting around...
They are on a journey together, to know more about Jesus,
To try to follow Him.
Neighbors are welcome - more than welcome.

All have been reading stories from the gospel - the water to wine, the woman at the well, the feeding of the five thousand,  the Sermon on the Mount...
Everyone is free to share his or her understanding on the reading.
The only rule is no one puts down someone else's understanding or comment...we are all on this journey - no one has it all figured out.

They eat together, laugh together, share about their week and their struggles and joys.

Someone can open in prayer.  Maybe they could even have communion (but maybe not)...

Soon they might join each other on mission...

Maybe at the beach with Nate surfing  with handicapped kids.

Maybe helping a homeless man or woman get off the streets.

Just imagining...



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. But maybe that all begins with just hanging out together, sharing meals, sharing life...


  3. I think the question of "what is mission?" is something to grapple with for a while.
